Monday, April 14, 2014

A little recap...

Thank you 2011, this year brought the idea of Lily Bee's, the endless nights of hard work poured into a computer as we laid the ground work, and a huge personal undertaking as we prepped to move from NC to FL with our two littles. 2011- you were a. lot. of. work.

Now this is where Lily Bee's got going! Based in Savannah, GA, Key West, FL, and back into Charlotte, NC by the end too! We paid our dues this year, with 14 hour back to back road trips, more brides than ever expected, and even news of adding to our family of 4! 2012 showed us that Lily Bee's was looking to be more than my little side business.

2013, you were a beast! And it was awesome! With our primary base moving back to The Queen City, a full schedule still of Key West weddings, the birth of our third baby bean, and new partnerships with some amazing venues we stayed busy, busy, busy! We spent some time starting up a new venue, as well as working on some other projects that really helped teach us about ALL the aspects of the wedding industry and not just that areas that normally pertain to us. We worked with some of the sweetest couples this year, and made friendships with some amazingly talented vendors! 2013, you worked us to the max and taught us so much- you rocked!

You showed up so quickly! Not going to lie, that end of December and time in January to relax a bit, get in family time and spend a bit too much time have marathons on Netflix, was nice... and much needed. But then it was wedding time! We kicked off the year in Key West, then right back to Charlotte. We're no longer tied up in a venue day in and out (YAY!) so it is all about our Team Lily Bee's and some kick-butt goals we've got for this year! We're feeling the need to grow and expand, but I'm also feeling inadequacy and doubt in myself as we look at that next tier. We've got a handful of partnerships with so much potential, awesome brides to work with and amazing people behind the scenes that it can never feel like a J-O-B, and that's exactly how we want it! We've got more weddings on our books so far that we had in all of last year, and news to announce that will blow your socks off! We're working our tails off and remembering to keep our hearts in the right place, blessed and grateful every day! Let's go 2014! :)

"Whatever you want to do, do it. There are only so many tomorrow's."

1 comment:

  1. Beautify written Momma Bee! It's been an amazing ride that shows no signs of stopping, I wouldn't have it any other way :) I love you!!! Let's get it!!!!!!!!
